We are now on Ko-fi!

We are now on Ko-fi!

The Lupin Central website now has a Ko-fi donations page!

Lupin Central is, and always will be, an ad-free, non-profit Lupin III fan site.

Over the past seven years, all costs towards maintaining the website have come directly from our own earnings. This is something we will happily continue doing - as making content we enjoy, and sharing it with everyone, has been worth every penny!

There is no risk of the site ever going away, and you have our promise that we will never resort to implementing advertisements - we see enough of those on the web in general, already.

With that said - we figured it would not hurt to create a Ko-fi account. We see this less a stable income, and instead, a little bit of help along the way. Any donations would be greatly appreciated, and help us keep things going into the future.

To be absolutely clear, we have zero ownership over the Lupin III IP and have no affiliation with Monkey Punch, NTV or TMS Entertainment. Any generous donations you make will go directly into funding the hosting of the website, and will be used for nothing else.

There’s also no pressure - our content is, and will always be, free. We also understand that not everyone can spare cash - as times are extra difficult at the moment. Even a like or a share would go a long way.

And that’s that! If you do wish to donate a dollar or two, you can click the image above to be taken to our dedicated Ko-fi page.

If you do make a donation, like or share the post, you have our eternal thanks and we really appreciate it!

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