Lupin Central becomes 100% fan-funded!

Lupin Central becomes 100% fan-funded!

Lupin Central is now 100% fan-funded!

Wow. Thanks to everyone's generous support over on our Ko-fi page, the 2022 web hosting costs for are now fully paid off. These funds will be leaving my account and will be going to Square Space this coming August.

While I always have the intention to continue paying hosting fees myself, the aid I have received from you all in this lovely community has gone a long way.

Any additional funding now received on Ko-fi will go towards 2023s hosting costs. Please only donate if you have money to spare—it is important that you put the wealth of yourself and your loved ones first.

Thank you all so much, once again, as it means a lot to me. I'm so proud of the website and all of you! You are awesome. 🙏♥️

Lee (site admin)

A few Part 6 odds and ends!

A few Part 6 odds and ends!

It's time to revisit The Castle of Cagliostro!

It's time to revisit The Castle of Cagliostro!