Review: Part 6 “Episode 0 ~ The Times”

Review: Part 6 “Episode 0 ~ The Times”

Welcome to our episode review of Lupin III: Part 6!

Our review is from the perspective of a “hardcore” Lupin III fan, who has seen every episode, film, and special the series has had to offer since its animated inception in 1969. The author's perspective on modern anime however, is lacking. When it comes to anime, we exclusively watch Lupin III, so cannot compare it to other shows on the market. Instead, we can only compare it with Lupin media of the past.

We will be watching the Japanese language dubbed version made available via the HIDIVE streaming platform.

Be aware that there are SPOILERS ahead.

Please only read on if you either have seen the episode already, or do not mind learning about important character interactions and pivotal plot points in advance.

“Episode 0” of Lupin III: Part 6 is an unconventional series opener.

Rather than giving an overview of the series so far, or an idea of what we should expect from the new season, it instead presents us with an in-depth look at the complex relationships between cast members.

As such, “Episode 0” is a character piece — an excellent one that will no doubt please existing fans of the series.

The story revolves around Lupin's trusty right-hand man, Jigen Daisuke, but includes all members of the main cast. It questions why they continue to do what they do despite the changing of the modern world, and also how they help each other to continue moving forwards within it. It explores in detail how each member of the cast is broken in their own way, and makes it apparent that the support they get from one another keeps them going.

While these are all topics the franchise has explored before, Part 6 leaps right in, and does not pull any punches. Zenigata is accused of being obsessed with Lupin. Goemon feels insecure about the group breaking up. Lupin admits that his friend, Jigen, helps keep him stable and sane. The nicest scene of all, perhaps, is time spent on a balcony with Jigen and Fujiko. The two put their differences behind them to have a rather sweet conversation over a drink, and it’s something existing fans of the series will appreciate.

What we are left with is a rather sweet premise that boils the series down to its core — its characters. There's no new cast members introduced, no daring heists or crazy car chases. Instead, “Episode 0” balances some brief action and comedic moments with a heavy dose of dialogue.

It's a highly unusual start for a new anime series, but understandable when you consider the retirement of Kiyoshi Kobayashi.

The series veteran performs his final role in Jigen's shoes here — and he does an impeccable job. Kobayashi has never lost his touch, and despite his age, plays the troubled gunslinger perfectly.

It will be interesting to hear how Akio Ōtsuka compares after picking up the torch next week, as he is to succeed Kobayashi from episode one onward.

While we would not consider it an essential watch, and feel that it may confuse those new to the franchise — the first entry in Part 6 is a love letter to both the fans and Kiyoshi Kobayashi.

While not quite the bombastic opener we expected, it provides a fantastic send off for the eighty-eight-year-old voice actor, and it is one that we will no doubt be referring back to for years to come.

It also proves that fifty years on, the main Lupin gang can still be written well enough to provide interesting episodes solely dedicated to them, and the interactions they have between each other. This is an impressive feat, and part of the reason as to why we love this series so dearly.

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