Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

It’s 2024 already… how time flies. New year, new me. New year, new you. Or not… that's entirely your decision! For what it's worth, we like the current you just fine as you are — no changes necessary.

The official Lupin III Tumblr account has shared the above image in celebration and has thanked everyone for their support this year. I would also take a moment to do the same — this year has been an odd one for me personally, when it comes to the time I spend online. As readers of the website may know, I stepped away from Twitter / X back in March this year and have drastically cut down my time spent on social media in general. This has helped prevent the dreaded “doom scrolling” and has given me more time to do other things.

While my personal life has been better off for it, I am not as “tapped in” to the grapevine and discussion as I once was. I hope it feels as if the website has not suffered too much as a result of this, and I will try to continue doing my best whilst balancing work / life / hobbies going into 2024. I do not blame or judge people for sticking with X / Twitter, and for spending time on socials — I have just discovered, after being a part of them since 2007, I needed to cut down, and will continue to do so into the new year.

Lupin III continues to be a much supported and important property for TMS, with Lupin ZERO, VS. Cat's Eye, Jigen Daisuke, and the Kabuki play all releasing in the past twelve months or so. I expect this momentum will continue on into 2024, and we will see plenty more surprise announcements coming in the next year (the continuation of the Koike film saga PLEASE, TMS. Thank you)!

I would like to give a huge thanks to the many amazing writers featured on the site this year — Tabbie, Guillaume, Sauté, Chris, and more. I appreciate everyone who contributes towards the site — it is an unpaid gig, and I am in awe at the passion and talent of these fantastic writers and this community in general. A special shout out to must go to the Sideburns and Cigarettes podcast also, who have been kind enough to invite me onto their show twice this year. It is always a blast to hang out with Drew and the gang - and I mean it when I say that all hosts who are part of this show are amazingly kind, welcoming, and knowledgeable individuals! If you haven’t tuned into their Christmas Special yet already, I would encourage you to give it a listen!

If you are feeling down and do not enjoy the new year, you are not alone. Know that you matter, you are loved, and that there will always be people out there for you. New year can be a new start for some — but it does not have to be. Things tick over as normal for others, and this includes for myself. It is what you make of it!

We have lots more Lupin news and featured articles on the website next year, and I cannot wait to help share it with you all! Whether you are new to the website or have been reading for years — thank you so much for all of your support.

Take care and again, happy new year!

— Lee (Site Administrator)

2024 wish list

  • The Fuma Conspiracy Blu-ray release: I don't think this can happen, even with the best will in the world, at this point. As far as I know, Discotek don't have access to the master footage, and said footage may not even exist anymore. With that said, it is top of my list of "wants", and likely will be for many years to come!

  • Zenigata animated or live-action spin-off: This can be a Koike film, a short series, or a follow up to Jigen Daisuke - just give my man Zenigata some love!

  • Lupin ZERO Part 2: I am torn wanting this, because ZERO was so perfect... maybe it is best just to leave it as it is. With that said, ANY Studio Telecom output for Lupin is much appreciated, and it feels like the staff behind ZERO nailed it so hard, it would be a shame not to see them return for something else. Maybe we see something different; a Lupin II spin-off, perhaps? I'd be down!

  • Lupin III: The First: The Second: If this is coming, it is likely a while off yet. I do think it's worthy of a second film, and Takashi Yamazaki is no stranger to sequels. Perhaps with his growing popularity thanks to Godzilla Minus One, he may be moving to bigger and better things, and as a result of this, someone new may need to step in. Regardless, the first film felt as if it gave the franchise a huge boost, inside and outside of Japan, and I would love to see more of that!

  • Something NEW: The Lupin series continues to surprise me, and we have seen some wildly different takes over the years. I am up for any new direction the franchise wishes to take and hope we can see something like this in 2024!

Discotek to kick off 2024 with big live-stream event!

Discotek to kick off 2024 with big live-stream event!

Lupin the IIIRD audiobooks now available in Japan!

Lupin the IIIRD audiobooks now available in Japan!