Where to follow Lupin Central

Where to follow Lupin Central

With all this talk of people leaving certain social media platforms due to managerial changes, I figured it might be a good time to detail how you can follow Lupin Central around the web going forwards.

The website, lupincentral.com, will always remain our main source for Lupin III series news and updates. Making this page the key place to check for all of our updates is a must. No matter what goes down on social media platforms, we will always be pushing ahead with articles, news posts, and more, right here!

The website is RSS friendly, and you can use the link below to plug our updates straight into your RSS viewer of choice.


In addition, you can follow the website at any of the below social media accounts:

  • Facebook

    • While my time spent on the Facebook platform is minimal, you can view all of Lupin Central’s posts, with links to the website, over on our page. Feel free to give us a follow!

  • Instagram

    • Our Instagram account is currently doing well, and will not be going away any time soon. Lupin Central has a dedicated following of people on Instagram, with a nice community in the comments of each post. I appreciate everyone that follows the site, and gets involved.

  • Ko-fi

    • I believe Ko-fi is an exciting platform, with plenty of room for improvement. Hopefully, the current negative goings-on over at Twitter will encourage the team behind Ko-fi to improve, and add more features (it’s not there yet, but it is getting better)! While you can give donations through the platform, there is zero pressure to do so. It is possible to follow Lupin Central on Ko-fi, and view our updates, without spending a dime. With that said—any donations given go directly towards the upkeep of the main website, and while I do appreciate anything you are willing to give, I recommend doing so in moderation. Lupin Central remains a non-profit website, and can guarantee that any money will only go to hosting bills. I hope to use Ko-fi more for posts and updates going forwards.

  • Tumblr

    • Lupin Central started here, and returned to Tumblr back in 2021. The platform is currently thriving. You can read all of our latest posts, with links to articles on the website, through our Tumblr account. Just be careful of spam accounts and bots, if you do use Tumblr. The situation has got better over the years, but for a period of time, it felt there were more of them than there were real people!

  • Twitter

    • I will begin scaling back our coverage on Twitter. While I guarantee that Lupin Central will always link to any news story or article from the website up on the social media platform, you may notice that the level at which posts are customized will decrease. This is to limit my time spent on the platform, to instead focus on the main website, and other social media accounts, such as Ko-fi. If you still use Twitter, and want to continue doing so, that’s fine. Lupin Central will not be leaving the platform—I just want to focus on alternatives, in case aspects of it do go south.

That’s it for now! I will update this post if anything changes.

Oh, and, keep it “hush, hush”, but also… there will soon be a new, exciting way in which you are able to interact with the content we make, and discuss it (and more) with other Lupin III fans. I will let you know once it is ready—watch this space!

Lupin ZERO debuts at Anime NYC!

Lupin ZERO debuts at Anime NYC!

Reminder: Lupin ZERO premieres this Friday at Anime NYC!

Reminder: Lupin ZERO premieres this Friday at Anime NYC!