Shigeru Murakoshi interviewed by media in Japan!

Shigeru Murakoshi interviewed by media in Japan!

Shigeru Murakoshi (ZOMBIE LAND SAGA) is soon to replace Takahiro Okura as lead of series composition in act two of Lupin III: Part 6. This thirteen episode cour will last until around March-time, when it is currently expected the series will end.

Ahead of the second half’s kick-off tomorrow with episode thirteen, the Japanese press have been interviewing Murakoshi, asking about his role in the show, his previous experience with Lupin, and much more.

Please note, there are likely inaccurate parts to the translation. A lot of this is paraphrasing, based on machine translation. It is not intended to be 1:1. I would welcome a more accurate translation, if one were to become available!

You can check the full interview for yourself (in its original language) here. I have included the Japanese text below too, for the sake of clarity and transparency.

There are very minor spoilers for episode thirteen below. If you are greatly concerned about learning anything to do with the upcoming storyline, perhaps it would be better to check back after you have watched the episode.


Please tell us how you came to be in charge of the script this time.

村越 本当に前触れなく、ある日よくお世話になっている脚本家さんづてに、自分に「ルパン三世」新シリーズのオファーが来ているとうかがったんです。まさかの話でしたのでビックリしたのを覚えています。


Without much warning, I was informed that the production staff of Lupin III were offering for me to work on a new television series. I was surprised at the time, because this was to be a longer story. Lupin III is an iconic long-running franchise, which is loved by many. I remember thinking… “why me?” and “is it okay for me to accept the offer”?

However, after I heard the concept and story, I agreed to join. It seems Lupin has crossed paths with many writers, directors, and creative visions over the past fifty years. I found out that the intention of inviting me was to strengthen help this list. I accepted and made it clear that I would do my best!


Which Lupin III series have you seen the most?

村越 「PART2」です。僕が小さい頃、夕方に再放送をやっていて。その後「ルパン三世 ルパンVS複製人間」や「ルパン三世 カリオストロの城」といった劇場版、そしてテレビアニメ「PART1」など、ファンとして楽しませていただきました。

Part 2, definitely. When I was young, I used to watch re-runs on television. After that, I enjoyed watching films, such as The Mystery of Mamo and The Castle of Cagliostro, and then after that, the classic Part 1 series.


What orders and requirements where you asked to work to with Part 6?

村越 まず菅沼(栄治)監督やプロデューサーからは、「担当させていただく第2クールのテーマが『女』であること」、また「第1クールのテーマが『ミステリー』で、このような方々が脚本を担当し、このような物語になります」という説明をしていただきました。そのうえで「(第1クールとは)異なる、自由なストーリーにしてもらってかまわない」と言われまして。自由にできるというのはうれしくもあり、プレッシャーもありました。


I was given guidelines from director Eiji Suganuma. The theme of the second act I am in charge with will be “women”, which differs from the first act, which has the theme of “mystery”. I was introduced to the scriptwriters from the first act, and was told the broad story for the show. After that, Suganuma told me that it is okay to have a free story for act two that differs from the first act. I was happy for this, and felt the pressure lift away knowing I had creative freedom.

The broad advice from the production staff was to stick to what the fans enjoy best from previous works.


How did you go about the composition for episode thirteen, the first in the second act of Part 6?

村越 第2クールの始まりの回、ということもありましたので、アクションシーンを多めに入れ、ここからご覧いただく人の目も引くようにインパクトを出すことを意識しました。

I tried to add in a lot of action scenes, making the second act stand out from the rest and kicking things off with a bang. I hope it will catch people’s eye.


We felt there were a lot of scenes that will make old-time fans grin in delight…

村越 プロデューサーさんから「こうしてみたらどう?」という言葉をいただきました。僕が「あの名シーンをオマージュしたい」と提案するのは恐れ多いので……。アドバイスをいただけたのはありがたかったです。

The production staff encouraged me to do this. I wanted to pay homage to famous scenes of the series past, and was supported when doing this. For this, I am grateful!


Had you seen the past Lupin works by the time you were in charge of the new script?

村越 はい。話をいただいたとき「ちょっと、お時間いただけますか?」とお願いして、すべて観直しました。これまではあくまで「いちファン、いち視聴者」としての目線でしたので。「もう一度しっかりと観ておかないと」という使命感のようなものはありました。


Yes. When I was given the opportunity, I asked the team for some more time, and reviewed all previous works. I also read comments from fans and viewers. I felt that, in a sense, this was my mission — I must watch it again!

The natural, daily communication between the Lupin gang is one of the biggest thrills I get from the series!


Are there any key points you want to mention from the story of act two?

村越 やはり「ルパンチームの在り方」でしょうか。たとえば、かけ合いのせりふなど、“らしさ”を維持することをかなり意識しました。何気ない日常のやり取りは、その魅力が一番出る部分だと思いましたので、第13話のルパンと次元、不二子のシーンは、大変でしたがやり甲斐もありました。

I was thinking, what is the ideal Lupin team? I was conscious about maintaining the quality of the dialogue between the gang. Their casual, daily exchanges are one of my favourite aspects of them and the show. That’s why in episode thirteen, I tried to incorporate this. The scene between Lupin, Jigen and Fujiko was difficult to pull off, but rewarding in the end.


The small drone in episode thirteen seems like a reference to modern times!

村越 敵が空中を飛ぶときのギミックは菅沼監督からのアイデアで、現代に実在するものを参考にしています。皆で資料を見ながら、そういったアイデアを吸収して脚本を作っていきました。

The gimmick where the enemy flies into the air was actually an idea from director Suganuma. This is a reference to how things go in the modern day. We worked on the idea together, looking up reference and finalizing the script.


At the end of episode thirteen, there is a reference to lots of women popping up, all seemingly unrelated…

村越 あの場面もいたずらに全員を登場させたわけではありません。1人ひとり、個性的かついろいろな立場の女性たちが、今後ルパンたちとどのように関わっていくのか、楽しみにしていただきたいです。


Actually, this scene was not intended to make everyone appear unnecessarily. I would like you to look forward to how each and every character here appear in future episodes, and to see what position they form in the story and how they interact with Lupin and the gang.


It seems more guest screenwriters will join and assist with the second acts omnibus episodes?

村越 はい。ルパンファミリーをはじめとする登場人物たちが輝くようなシナリオを書いていただけるよう、みなさんにお願いしました。こちらから「この人物のエピソードを書いていただけますか?」とお願いした方もいれば、「どの人物のエピソードを書きたいですか?」と逆にリクエストをいただくケースもありました。皆さん、バラエティ豊かなシナリオを書いてくださり、本当に頼もしかったです。

Yes. We asked everyone to write scenarios that would make the characters, including the Lupin gang, shine. Some people asked “can we write an episode about this person” while others asked “which character would you like me to write an episode about”? Everyone worked on a variety of scenarios, and was reliable with their work.


Oh! We wanted to ask, who is your favourite Lupin character?

村越 「PART2」から入った頃は、石川五ェ門が好きでした。「こんなカッコいい剣士がいるのか!」と、すごく興奮しました(笑)。そのあと、渋さがたまらない次元が好きになり、いまは銭形警部です。ルパンを捕まえたいのか捕まえたくない(捕まってほしくない)のか、その微妙な心理状態にすごく共感してしまいます。「ルパン三世」シリーズの中では独特な立ち位置の人物だと思いますし、作品の大きな魅力のひとつではないかと。

Well, when I began watching Part 2, Goemon was my favourite. I was excited when he appeared on-screen, and often thought, “wow, does such a cool sword fighter like this exist?!” (laughs)

After that, I grew attached to Jigen, and nowadays, I love Inspector Zenigata. Whether he succeeds in catching Lupin or not (I prefer it when he doesn’t), it’s always fun to see and explore his psychological state. I think he is one of the most complex and unique characters in the Lupin series, and a great part of what attracted me to work on the show.


Do you have any closing comments for the readers?

村越 第2クールでは、ルパンがいままで抱かなかったであろう感情が描かれていると思います。各話に魅力的な女性達が出てきますし、第2クールでフィーチャーしている「ルパンの母親の謎」についても楽しみにしていただきたいです。すべて通して観ていただいた時に満足していただけるよう意識して作りましたので、ぜひ最後まで観届けていただければと思います!

In the second act, never-before-seen emotions for Lupin will be depicted. Many attractive women appear, and also look forward to the “mystery of Lupin's mother”. I set out to hopefully make the story satisfying until the end, so please stay tuned!

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