Gallery: Green VS Red

Gallery: Green VS Red

While the 2008 OVA is not everyone’s cup of tea, Green VS. Red is a spectacle that pays homage to the many works of Lupin’s past.

The central plot, of which revolves around a young man named Yasuo, is quite divisive within the community. It asks the question - does the real Lupin still exist - and if not, can anyone take on the role of Lupin III?

It is very different from the usual film format, and as such remains one of the most unique - but as previously mentioned, divisive - Lupin features to date.

While we recommend becoming a bit more well versed in the franchise before giving this one a watch, the visuals still hold up well and there are many nods to previous works. This helps keep even the biggest of Lupin fans happy, despite the films perhaps confusing premise and structure.

Check out some pictures from the OVA in the gallery below and see if you can spot any of these references for yourself!

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